Lesson 8 

Revelation 2: 18-29

     In Revelation 2:18 - 29 we have the letter to the church of Thyatira which is the longest letter to any of the churches. Thyatira is located around 30 miles southeast of Pergamos. Thyatira was a very active commercial center known for its fine brass works, especially armor, and its purple cloth. Do you remember how the church of Thyatira was formed? It was formed on Paul's second missionary journey. Do you remember Lydia? Remember Paul met her by the riverside because there was no synagogue in the city. She heard Paul's message about Jesus and became a believer. She constrained Paul and those with him to stay at her house (Acts 16: 15).

     Read the rest of Acts 16 to get a feel for the city and the area around the city. In this city was a temple of Diana. The supposed deity of this city was Tyrimnas, a sun god. This god is generally depicted as a warrior riding forth to battle, armed with a double-edged battle-axe.

     In verse 18, the description of Christ is a two-fold picture. Let us not rush past this picture. Compare it to what the city is known for. The city is known for its fine brass work. Well, Christ's "...feet are like fine brass". The difference is that the people of this city store things in their brass works. In lesson 3 of this series we talked about His feet of brass and the furnace. Therefore, He is saying with this description that He knows where you are at and He can burn the old off you and make you new. Let us compare these eyes, the flames of fire, with the sun god. This sun god stands for crushing military power, which means the outside military actions affect the inside, but may not change the inside. So the military power can bring changes to the outward life but cannot bring changes on the inside of people, in their hearts. Yes, military power does affect the people on the outside, but it does not correct the problem (sin) that is inside of the person nor does it correct the behavior of the people. Examine these eyes that are flames of fire. They burn into the inside of a person where the problem (sin) is located. Jesus is able to crush sin by burning it, destroying it from the inside and out of you. Think about this for a second. If sin is not in you, you will act differently. If the behavior changes and becomes different, then the military will not have to crush you. Because His eyes are like fire, when He is looking at you, He is burning right through the mess in your life to get right to the issues. How would this make you feel? With this description, you can see the power of His eyes and feet.

     The following definitions help us to understand verse 19.
            Charity = agape, unconditional love
            Service = ministry (the office of work)
            Faith = firm persuasion
            Patience = endurance which comes through trails
            More = greater (shall exceed)
     We know that the church of Thyatira is located in a spot where the residents worshipped other so-called gods. We can imagine how the people felt about the Christians in their area. Yet, we see that Jesus speaks some very powerful words to the body at Thyatira.

    REMEMBER THAT ALL OF THE CHURCHES WILL READ THESE SEVEN LETTERS TO THE CHURCHES. Why is that important? It lets us know that the churches are aware of what each is going through. Today we act as if nobody knows what is happening to us. The reason for this is that we take pride in putting up walls around ourselves. We also have become some of the best actors (hypocrites) in the world.

    What do we hear in verse 19? We hear about their unconditional love for the community. How do we know this? Look at what Jesus says about their work. He says that their last work is more than the first even with the trials occurring around them. We get the feeling that they looked at their trials as tools to shape themselves into what the LORD was forming them to be. This was based on their faith in JESUS CHRIST. With all of this, you would think things were great in this church!

    In all of the churches that have a condemnation, one problem keeps showing up. What is it?

    In verses 20 - 23 John is told to tell them that Jesus is holding some complaints against them. Who is this Jezebel? How would the non-Jews of this church know about her? Let us examine her and what she did in Israel (1 Kings 16:28- 17:1; 1 Kings 18 - 19, 21; 2 Kings 9:30 - 37).

    The following definitions will help us understand Revelation 2:20-23.

Sufferest =to permit
Calleth = to say
Prophetess = a woman who speaks openly a divine message
Teach = to give instruction about relationships with God and moral issues
Seduce = to cause to wander, to lead astray
Servants = one who gives himself up to the will of another
Commit Fornication = to commit illicit sexual intercourse
Eat = to consume meat
Gave = grant
Space = time
Repent = to change one's mind or purpose for the better
Cast = to throw
Bed = to recline due to being afflicted with disease or to lay on a bier (a portable framework on which a coffin is placed)
Commit Adultery = one who has unlawful intercourse with the spouse of another
Tribulation = affliction that burdens the spirit
Deeds = works
Kill = physically destroy so that soul will be separated from God (the person knows before death that he will NOT be with God)
Death = a separation of soul from body
Know = recognize completely
Searcheth = examine
Reins = kidney (the place your feelings and emotions come from)
Hearts = chief organ which controls your moral nature, reasoning powers, understanding, and perceptions
Give = bestow
So can you see why Jesus is upset with this church? Jezebel has come into their marriage with God and caused the body/spouse to get involved with some other god. These adulterers are calling themselves Christians. Yet even with Jezebel leading them to this other godly relationship, Jesus grants her time to change for the better and not only Jezebel but also those that follow her. Can you feel the LOVE of God for mankind (2 Peter 3:9) in this situation?

     Let us take a side trip. If God can forgive us for adultery, should we not attempt to forgive others for their shortcomings? Now remember those with the shortcomings are called to repent (to change one's mind or purpose for the better) which means not to do it again. For the sin is no longer part of their lives.
     Okay, back to the lesson. Examine the results of not repenting in verses 22-23. Do you think this would cause you to repent? They could not claim that they had repented, because Jesus says that he examines the kidneys and hearts of the people. Can you imagINe knowing that you are going to die and go to hell and you cannot stop it? Would you warn your family and friends of what awaits them if they do not change their lives?
     Let us see what Jesus says to the rest of the church at Thyatira. Remember, there are some who have not allowed Jezebel to lead them to commit adultery; nor have they allowed the teaching of Satan to pull them into depths of that lifestyle. No matter how things appeared, nor how great that life sounded, the faithful did not turn from God. So let us examine the meanings of the rest of the words in verses 24-29. Then we can pull it altogether.
Know = recognize completely
Depth = deep poverty
Satan = adversary
Put = to throw
Burden = a weight, anything pressing on one physically or spiritually
Hold = to be strong in the tradition and teaching
Overcometh = the mightiest prevail (legal term)
Keepth = to watch over, preserve the commandments
End = even till things cease to be
Give = bestow
Power = the freedom to act unrestricted
Nations = multitudes
Rule = to act as a shepherd, tend flocks
Rod = a staff, scepter
Broken Shivers = break into pieces
Morning Star = the sun of righteousness, to govern the earth in peace, an event to be preceded by the rapture of the church

Jesus tells some of the church to be strong in His ways. He also knows that they have not fallen for the poverty of Satan's teaching. Some Christians have fallen for these satanic teachings, thinking that God did not mean what is in His word. Therefore, some think we have the right to fix things with today's worldly values and standards. That is why some of us have bibles that refer to God as "she." In addition, there are people thinking it is all right to marry partners of the same sex and/or to have sex before marriage.

     John informs the faithful that Jesus said he would not throw anything else on them. Think about this. Would you like to know that there would be no new burden put on you physically nor spiritually? When he tells them to hold strong to His teaching and tradition, you can see them digging in. Then he bestows a promise on them that is what we all would love to hear. Jesus will give His faithful rule over the multitudes with no restriction. Nevertheless, there is a key to this that most Christians miss. The key is that they will act like Jesus because they have been holding on to His teaching and traditions. Part of that word rule means to tend a flock, which means being there for them.

     In verse 28, he says "And I will give him the morning star". That will be the end of the world, as it is known now. For the church will be called up to Him, which means the Holy Spirit will not be here on earth. Therefore, those who are left will have to find out about God without the help of the Holy Spirit. This will be addressed later in this study. 

 Lesson's Menu  Lesson 9: Revelation 3: 1-6