Lesson 38

Revelation 21

    As we move into the last two chapters of Revelation, we enter the eternal dwelling place of all believers. However, before we do this, let us review what has taken place over the last seven years. We have seen the departure of Christians and the Holy Spirit from the earth. We have seen how God loves mankind and tries to get them to come home to Him through the events, which take place in the Tribulation and Great Tribulation. Now some do come to him, but there were those who say “no” to God and “yes” to Satan and the beast, and false prophet. Then with the end of the seven years, the beast and false prophet are thrown into the lake of fire and Satan is held in chains for a thousand years to give mankind a glimpse into what it will be like without Satan. Nevertheless, some of mankind are not happy and when the thousand years are over, they chose to follow Satan. It is at this point God says okay I have shown you what I want you to have, but you say “no” to my love and to me. So they are sent into the lake of fire with the beast, false prophet, and Satan for a life of eternal punishment. Remember that part of this punishment will be the ability to see into heaven and what they could have had (Luke 16:22 – 24).

    In Revelation 21:1 John says he saw a new heaven and earth, for the first had passed away. Why would they have passed away and which heaven is John talking about? The old earth contained the blood of all of the martyrs, who die for God and His Son. It also had the scars from God trying to get mankind back to Him and all of the blood from mankind killed in sacrifice to other gods. The old earth was cursed when man first disobeyed God in Genesis 3:17. So the old earth being a reminder of what took place, which would or could cause pain to the citizens of the eternal dwelling place.

    What about this old heaven and why do we need a new one. First, we need to know that there are three heavens talked about in the Bible. Let us examine them and see which heaven John is referring to. Let’s start with the most high that is where God and Jesus dwell with His angels. This location is where Paul say he went in 2 Corinthians 12:1 – 5. From what we have read in Revelation, we also know that this is a pure and holy place, where sin is not located. Now moving toward the earth, the second heaven would be where the stars, moon, and sun are located as we read in Genesis 1:14 – 19, and 2 Kings 23:5, and Psalms 8:3, and Matthew 24:29. The first heaven we know as the atmosphere or air. This one is also locked in around us by gravity and is the one that has a great affect on us. As you may know, Satan is called the prince of this sphere in Ephesians 2:2. Yes, he is the prince of this sphere, but we serve the KING of KINGS and we are told in John 1:3 that Jesus made all things, which includes this prince. So please do not focus on him, but focus on the one that made him. In fact, we see in Revelation that he loses the final battle. So now, we know that it will be the last two heavens that will be new. For the second heaven is corrupted because the moon has changed and stars have fallen to earth, plus a third of it rolled up. The first heaven is Satan’s home and where he carried out his deceit on mankind. Also it is where he interfered with God’s angels coming to mankind with messages for them, as in Daniel 10:10 – 14.

    We also read that the sea will be no more. There are a couple of schools of thought on what this means. One school of thought is that because there will be so many saints there, more land is needed for them. The second school of thought is the greater possibility, that is the sea gave up its dead which means that this sea is corrupted too and holds some bad memories. This thought goes back to Revelation 13:1, in which the beast came out of the sea with seven heads and ten horns. Remember that this stood for a government that speaks against God and tries to kill His people and stop the worshipping of Him. So the question is why would God allow the sea to exist which brought forth that which is against Him. He would not, because there would be pain or sorrow in and around it. We will get into the concept of no pain or sorrow found in heaven soon.

    In Verses 2 and 3, we have a picture that is so beautiful and peaceful that it is hard to conceive of it in your mind. In fact as I was reading it and trying to picture it, this came to my mind 1 Corinthians 2:9.
    But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things     which God hath prepared for them that love him.
Picture this! The New Jerusalem coming from God down to earth and God Himself has dressed her. All of the beautiful things, you have seen, will not even come close to what she will look like. Then we are told that God Himself will dwell with mankind and be with them. John is saying that not only will God be in the same city you live in but will be right next to you as you move around. As Christians today, we have some of this same experience with the Holy Spirit, but we have not fully grabbed the meaning of Matthew 28:20 and John 14:15 – 18. For in this picture that John has set forth, God the Father and God the Son (Jesus) and God the Spirit are all there at the same time with the believers.

    In Revelation 21:4, we are told that these saints will have no more pain or crying, or sorrow, or death, or tears. These are the things we experience now that keep us from fully enjoying the relationship we have with God through Jesus by way of the Holy Spirit. There will not even be tears of joy why because we will not know sorrow or disappointment. Mankind has been looking for paradise, utopia, forever in this present life. Finally, it has arrived! This is it! Praise God!

    As we move forward in our examination of this new earth and heaven, God has John to pause for a moment in Revelation 21:5 – 8, to set some things in order. Remember that God had John to write this book of Revelation to encourage the churches to be about God’s work, no matter what they are facing. In addition, if they have stopped doing the work that God has called them to they are to get back on track with His work. So with that in mind, read verses 5 – 8 and let us see what God is saying. In verse 5, John tells us that the one sitting on the throne makes all things new and John is to write that these words are true and faithful. The question that comes to mind is: why is it important to say all of this? Sometimes we forget how great God is. So think on this for a moment. When God created the world, the plants did not need rain nor was there any indication of rain until Noah. In Genesis 2:4 – 6, it reads

Genesis 2:4 – 6

    4.These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the        LORD God made the earth and the heavens,
    5. And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the        LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground.
    6. But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground.

Genesis 7:4 reads,

    For yet seven days, and I will cause it to rain upon the earth forty days and forty nights; and every living     substance that I have made will I destroy from off the face of the earth.

    The word “make” in Revelation 21:5 means to produce, construct, or form. So everything seen and unseen will be new which means there will be no residue of sin anywhere in earth or heaven. Then He tells John to write these words, “true and faithful” which means truthful and trustworthy. God tells John that He does not lie and what He says you can live by and KNOW that He will keep His promises. So no matter which one of the seven churches you are, know that God wants you with Him in heaven. God says that no matter where you find yourself in life He will take you and clean you up so that you can come home to Him.

    In verse 6, God’s plan is done. Think about what you just read. All that God has put in place to bring mankind back to Him is completed and there is NOT one thing which mankind can add to this plan. This means that all of the things that mankind does to reach paradise or utopia is a lie. All of the tricks Satan places in the minds of mankind are a lie. For God had John to write, “It is done” and remember that this message is to go out to all of the seven churches to encourage them so that they cannot be deceived (Matthew 24:24). Therefore, no matter what you feel or see going on all around you, trust the word of God to guide and direct you through every situation. We also read about the fountain of water of life coming from God. If you remember, it was God in Eden which gave water to the rest of the earth in Genesis 2:10. In John 4:14, Jesus told the woman about the water from which there is no more thirst. Therefore, from the very beginning God has been trying to get mankind to accept the water of life from Him. In every case, mankind has to accept the love of God and follow His commandments, which many people have not been willing to do. In every one of these circumstances, it is a free gift from God. Yes, it costs God His Son’s life, but even in that Jesus gave up His life freely for us. Knowing this some of us would not accept His gift.

    Let us examine Revelation 21:7 -8. Let us begin with 8 and work back to 7. In verse 8 it reads:

    But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and     idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the     second death.

    Here is verse 8, with the meaning of some of these words.

    But the timid, and faithless, and the detestable, and murderers, and a man who indulges in illicit sexual     intercourse, and one who uses drugs, potions, spells, enchantments in magical arts, and worshipper of     false gods, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the     second death.

    In this verse, if you are one who is involved in any of these things the second death awaits you. Here is the reason I wanted to cover these evil things before we look at verse 7. We find these things around us all the time and we must keep on guard. Our souls depend on it and those who are watching us to see what is pleasing to God, depend on it. In addition, this will help Christians to see all things from God’s point of view.

    In verse 7, we are told, “he that overcomes shall inherit all things…” What are the things we are to overcome? We are not to be timid about our faith and the promises that God has given in the Holy Bible. This does not mean that Christians are cocky, but we are confident in who we are in Christ. Even if we have the faith the size of a mustard seed (Matthew 17:20), we as Christians will keep ourselves from those things found in verse 8. We will enable others to know how to reach this relationship with GOD. One of the greatest things to inherit is to be the child of God and God to be our God.

    He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and
    he shall be my son. Revelation 21:7

    We have come to the time in which the New Jerusalem is described in more detail than found in Revelation 21:2 – 3. Read Revelation 21:9 – 27, before we get into the layout of the city.

    In verses 9- 10, God allows one of the last seven angels of the vials to come to John to show him the New Jerusalem. Remember in Revelation 21:2 – 3 describes how she is dressed, now we are going to see her even more clearly. The message we get from these two verses is that God can use a tool that destroyed something to bring beauty into view. This angel takes John, in the spirit, to a very large and lofty mountain, so that he can see this very large city which is consecrated to God.

    Before we look at all that is within the New Jerusalem, read verses 15 – 17:

Revelation 21:15 - 17

    15. And he that talked with me had a golden reed to measure the city, and the gates thereof, and the wall          thereof.
    16. And the city lieth foursquare, and the length is as large as the breadth: and he measured the city with          the reed, twelve thousand furlongs. The length and the breadth and the height of it are equal.
    17. And he measured the wall thereof, a hundred and forty and four cubits, according to the measure of a          man, that is, of the angel.

    John is told to measure the city, gates and wall. Therefore, here are the measurements in figures that we can understand. The city, gates, and wall on one side equaled 7,920,000 feet or 1500 miles. The distance between Tucson, AZ and Indianapolis, IN is 1472.5 miles. He was told to measure the wall, which means the height. So we have a picture of a city that is as high as it is long. In verse 17, John is asked to measure the thickness of the wall, which is 216 feet. It is hard to picture a city that big. Oh, if this has your mind straining, trying to picture this, wait until we start looking closer at the city!

    In verse 11, we read that the city had the glory of God. Remember that in Revelation 15:8 that the temple is filled with smoke from the glory of God and no one was able to enter there until the seven plagues of the vials were complete. Now, we see that they are complete and the city/temple illuminates the whole area. Jasper was green but this green is as clear as a crystal.

    We read that there are twelve gates, these gates are three on each wall, and each gate had a name on them for each tribe of Israel. The Jews of these twelve tribes have come to know Jesus Christ as their Saviour and Lord. You may ask, “how do we know this?” The answer is found in verse 14, which reads:
    14. And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and in them the names of the twelve apostles of the

    The word foundations means sub-structure, which is what things are placed on or constructed on. Therefore, the gates are in the wall which has its foundation on the twelve apostles of Jesus Christ. We have a picture of the wall on all sides having the twelve foundations.

  1. first foundation – jasper (green)
  2. second foundation – sapphire (blue)
  3. third foundation – chalcedony (green silicate of copper)
  4. fourth foundation – emerald (green)
  5. fifth foundation – sardonyx (red & white)
  6. sixth foundation – sardius (yellowish brown or transparent red)
  7. seventh foundation –chrysolite (gold)
  8. eighth foundation – beryl (sea-green)
  9. ninth foundation – topaz (yellow)
  10. tenth foundation –chrysoprasus ( translucent golden green)
  11. eleventh foundation – jacinth (dark blue iris)
  12. twelfth foundation – amethyst (purple)
    Also, please note that each one of the gates is made of one pearl. Remember the size of the wall. so these pearls must be very big. Moreover, we are told that the streets are pure gold; so pure as to be transparent.

    As we move into the last six verses of Revelation 21, we need to lay some foundation. Do you remember reading that the tabernacle of God is with men? Let us just read it again in Revelation 21:3.
    And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell
    with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.

    The word foundations means sub-structure, which is what things are placed on or constructed on. Therefore, the gates are in the wall which has its foundation on the twelve apostles of Jesus Christ. We have a picture of the wall on all sides having the twelve foundations.

    Jesus answered and said to him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come to him, and make our abode with him.

    Answer this one question based on this verse. Who is living inside of you?

    If you said the Holy Spirit you would only be a 1/3 right. This verse is a prelude to Revelation 21:3, 22 – 24. The answer to the question is the Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit. Can you imagine what our walk and our lives would be like if we really understood this one verse?

    In the Old Testament only the High Priest could enter the Holy of Holies and that was once a year. However, he had to make sure he entered in appropriately and the people would wait outside to see if their sins had been forgiven. Now the whole city will be the Holy of Holies and ALL believers will be able to enter in and dwell with God, Almighty and the Lamb, which are the temple. We see the completion of Isaiah 60:19 -20 in verse 23. Because of the light that they give off, the gates will not need to be closed. This is not the only reason for not closing the gates, because in Revelation 21: 27 we are told that those in the book of life will be the only ones alive. In addition, we are told that no unclean being or liar will be able to enter the City.