Lesson 26A

Supplemental Notes: Revelation 11: 15-17

According to the Dispensational premillennialists there seven dispensations which are:

1. INNOCENCE which starts at the creation of man and ends with the expulsion of man from paradise (Genesis 3:24)
2. CONSCIENCE which starts where INNOCENCE ends and ends with Noah and his family leaving the ark (Genesis 8:14)
3. HUMAN GOVERNMENT which begins with Noah and his family in Genesis 8:15) and ends with the tower of Babel (Genesis 11:1-9)
4. PROMISE starts at the calling of Abram in Genesis 12:1 and ends with Moses' visit from his father-in-law Jethro in Exodus 18.
5. LAW starts on Mount Sinai in Exodus 19 and ends with Christ dying for our sin in Matthew 27
6. GRACE begins in Matthew 28 and ends with the second coming of Christ (Matthew 24 & Revelation 19)
7. KINGDOM begins where Grace ends and never ends because the Kingdom is eternity.

Last week there was a question about the rapture being a secret. Well it is a secret as based on Matthew 24: 32 - 44. Yes, in I Thessalonians 4:13 - 18 talks about trumpets being heard, but read where they are heard. This is a spiritual hearing that only the believers will hear.