Lesson 24 

Revelation 11: 2-5

   There is another important issue in Revelation 11:2 that needs close examination. "But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles:.." This is the time when the Gentiles will have power over the Holy City. Please keep this in mind when we go through the rest of this letter called Revelation. Were not the Jews to lead the world to God? Yes, they were and so is the church (body of Christ) today, to lead the world to God. Yet, we as believers are letting the world tell us how to serve and worship God. They are dictating to us how to live our lives as believers (children of a living GOD). Then we want to know why they have no respect for God and us.

    In Revelation 11:3, Jesus gives His two witnesses power. Some think that these two are Moses and Elijah. These are two very important witnesses, because the word witness means martyr. They know they are going to die yet they stand firm in their assignment. How many of us would do this? They understood that they were part of God's plan to bring some unbelievers home to God and to encourage the believers that are living in this time (II Corinthians 1:3-5). They also knew that they would be a pain or problem to unbelievers because of what they stood for. The power that He gives them is to prophesy.

    Why is this gift of prophecy so important? In addition, why are people afraid of it? In order to answer these questions we need to look at the meaning of the word and what God's word says about it. The word prophesy and prophet are tied together and they mean one who speaks forth the mind and counsel of God the things which are to come or what must be done. Do not miss what is being said here, this person is speaking WHAT GOD HAS TOLD HIM TO SAY. Therefore, those of you who say, "If God wants to talk to me He knows where I live;" you had better STOP this kind of thinking. Some of you may ask, "How do I know that a prophet is prophesying into my life?" Again, God has given us the answer to this question in Deuteronomy 18:15 - 22. With this gift, God is able to tell the world of things to come and why things happen. Some people are afraid to know the will of God in their lives, because they think no one knows what they are doing, so they do not have to be accountable for their behaviors. Prophecies also show that God is concerned about the people. With this in mind, let us move forward.

    We are told that the witnesses will prophesy for 1260 days or 3 ½ years and they will wear sackcloth. Why is sackcloth on people so important? Many Christians do not understand the symbolism of sackcloth. It was often made of black coarse goat hair. It symbolizes to the people that the ones prophesying are in a state of repentance or mourning or of confession over the loss of something cared about. It is an outward expression of what is going on inside of the person wearing the sackcloth. Why is this important with these two witnesses? Remember who sent them; they are God's witnesses. So let's look at the state of repentance. God's witnesses are trying to get the unbelievers to repent from their state of sin and come to the state of God. God has been doing this from the time of mankind's fall in the garden. Now time is short and He knows it. God, Elohim, does not want to be separate from that which He made in His image. In addition, He is mourning because He knows that the unbelievers will not confess their sinful state; they are not willing to recognize their condition. He is confessing through these two witnesses that He is the true God.

    As we move into Revelation 11:4 and 5, John continues describing these two witnesses with some very powerful symbols. Why is he using the symbolism of an olive tree and candlestick? Let us read Zechariah 3 - 4 and pay close attention to 4:14. The two witnesses are more than what we read. In fact, they are a promise of what is to come, which is the peace of God. The olive tree gives its oil to the candlestick that is before God. Therefore, believers that have said "yes" to God will know that he sees them and knows their circumstances. In addition, the witnesses' prophecy will be clear for it is coming out of the light. Because of these two
appointed witnesses, people will be tormented by the messages along with the plagues and people will do all they can to stop them and their prophesying. Yet God has set a time for their messages to go forth and until that time is complete, people will die by fire for hurting them. Verse 5 says that "…if any man will hurt them,…" The meaning for hurt is to do wrong, injure, act unjustly. Satan will have people trying to killing the messenger. We should take heart in this because not a thing can happen to them or us (believers) until God says so.

    Earlier it was mentioned that some believe that these two witnesses are Moses and Elijah. The reason for this is found in verse 6. This verse presents two things that these two witnesses can do:
  1. Turn water to blood (Moses) Exodus 7:14-20; 8:12
  2. Hold back the rain (Elijah) I Kings 17:1; II Kings 1: 10-12
    This lesson will not deal with who the witnesses are. What is important for us to know is that they are appointed by God to stand in the inner part of the temple and to do His will. Because they are in their appointed place, they have the power to turn water into blood and to hold back the rain. But hold on! Remember that already 1/3 of the rivers & lakes are bitter ( Rev. 8:10 - 11) and there is famine (Rev. 6:5 - 6). The witnesses are also to put plagues on the earth as many times as they will (determine). They can hold the rain back for 1260 days. Please understand the power God has given these two and what God is doing here. God is still trying to reach the lost in spite of what they think of Him. Some of us need to understand that God loves us and wants a better life for us. So if you are outside of His will, then let go of your pride and say yes to Him.


 Lesson's Menu  Lesson 25: Revelation 11: 6-14