Lesson 15 

Revelation 6: 1-2

      God has placed everything in order and now His Son, Jesus, must finish His Father's work. The first of this work was to die for our sins and stand before the Father. Now Jesus is the judge, but not just any kind of judge, but one who is righteous and has no sins. In this role He is still trying to bring mankind to the Father (Luke 19:10). You ask how? We will answer that great question through the rest of this study.

     In Revelation 6, we see that the Lamb is opening the seals. You must remember that all that is happening is with God's blessing. God always has a purpose and knows what He is doing in all situations. So let us not get upset with God at what is going on in our lives. Some of you are saying "I know that!" Then why are you getting upset with the circumstance you are in now? If we know that God has a plan, then why are we fighting against it when we know that His plan is going to work to the good? With this in mind, let us move into chapter 6.

     In Revelation 6:1, John sees one of the seals being opened and he also hears one of the four living creatures (beasts) in heaven saying "Come and see." This voice is like thunder. So even with John being able to see the Lamb and the seals, he is not able to see all that is happening. This is just like us. We see God working, but we cannot see how He is working. In our case we get antsy and put our hands into it before God tells us to. However, John was invited by one of the four living creatures to observe the work more closely. These living creatures have the ability to use their great intelligence with their many eyes; they have both foresight and hindsight. So they know John. Look at what they ask him to do. First, he is invited to come closer to the scene. Please do not misunderstand this invitation and what it is saying about John and the scene. John is being asked by one of the creatures that is ALWAYS BEFORE GOD to come closer to the Lamb and to behold how Jesus, the Lamb, has power over all. John is now seeing "all power" referred to in Matthew 28:18 being manifested in Christ. John also can see the effects of His power. What John is about to see with the first four seals has been referred to as the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

     Before we go forward, we need to review some foundational principles. The basis of this study is that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that the Holy Spirit is the third Person of the Godhead. In addition, no part of Revelation has taken part yet. The seven churches are real, but they represent the church body as a whole. However, each of the seven churches also represents the condition of our relationships with God. Therefore, we are warned to be on guard. After the Rapture and from chapter 4 forward through Revelation, the Holy Spirit and the church (the Body of Christ) are NOT on earth. With these things in mind, understand that from chapter 6 forward, the judgments of God have started on the unbelievers. Even with the judgments, God the Father through His Son is seeking to bring the unbelievers into an intimate relationship with Him. Also, chapter 6 marks the last week of Daniel's vision in Daniel 9:26 - 27.

     As we move through these judgments, understanding these basic things will help us grasp the rest of Revelation. The seals include the trumpets that in turn include the bowls. Therefore, we are going from the big picture to the finely tuned and specific picture of the judgment.

     In verse 1, we have Isaiah 9:7 coming true. Let us examine this verse. The meanings of some of these words are shown in brackets.

     "Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this." To save time I am going to rewrite that verse with the mean of key words in it. "Of the increase of his government and peace [absence of strife, safety] there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom [sovereignty], to order [established, prepared, fixed] it, and to establish [sustain, supports, strengthen, comfort] it with judgment [ordinance, justice] and with justice [righteousness] from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the LORD [Jehovah, the self existent one] of hosts [army] will perform [do, fashion, accomplish] this."

     The Lamb, before the face of God, takes the scroll and opens it. This means He has the power and authority to do so. Is this not the role of government, to have power and authority to make judgments? Also, does he not command the Army of heaven (angels)? The word of the LORD is true at all levels of mankind's thinking. Could this be why mankind wants to remove God's word from schools and any other places? It has power through Christ to change lives?

     In Revelation 6:2, the rider on the white horse is given a crown as he leaves heaven going to earth. Could this be the antichrist? He is coming to conquer what is left in the world. Remember that there are neither Christians nor the Holy Spirit left on earth. The earth is in a confused state. People have disappeared with no bodies found. Therefore, would this not be the perfect time for the antichrist to show up and bring false peace to the world? The white horse stands for victorious powers that were given when a battle or war is won. Here we have him coming from heaven on a white horse, which tells us that God is fully aware of all that is happening, even in the judgment of unbelievers. Keep in mind that God is still trying to keep the unbelievers out of hell by them accepting and believing in Jesus Christ, even at this late time.


 Lesson's Menu  Lesson 16: Revelation 6: 3-8