Freedoms Gate Ministries  
  Sermon Date 07/17/16  

Sermon Title: Mentoring in the Body of Christ
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Verses Covered
Romans 8:28   (Part1) Romans 12:6  (Part2) Romans 12:6-8   (Part3)
1 Corinthians 10:13   (Part1) Romans 16:17   (Part2) Romans 23:1-3   (Part3)
Romans 12:1-8   (Part1) Matthew 28:19-20   (Part2)  

      In the Book of Romans, the Apostle Paul, teaches us how so many believers from so many different backgrounds and
cultures can come together to be one body in Jesus Christ. How do we do this so that we are one body in Christ? We must
be who God wants us to be? We must learn this through His word and His Spirit. God also prepares us through our own
experiences in life and in Him. All that we learn in Christ prepares each of us to “go into all of the world teaching and baptizing
in the name of Jesus.” As we grow and learn of God and His will, we will reach out to, teach and mentor others in the body to
be all that they can be in Christ, using the spiritual gifts He has given to each of us. God uses all that we are and all that we
have experienced for our testimonies that will lead others to Him. We are not to be ashamed of our pasts, because that is also
part of our testimonies, our victories and our work in mentoring others to become living sacrifices acceptable to God.
Verses Referenced during the Sermon = Matthew 7:15