Freedoms Gate Ministries  
  Sermon Date 07/03/16  

Sermon Title: Living Sacrifices Unto God
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Verses Covered
Romans 11:36   (Part1) John 3:16  (Part2) Romans 12:1-2   (Part3)
Romans 12:1-2 (Part1) Romans 12:1   (Part2)  

         The Apostle Paul urges all Christian believers to recognize our responsibility to our Almighty God. We are to be living
and perfect sacrifices unto God. This means we are totally submitted unto God’s will and purpose in our lives and in all He
wants to achieve through His believers, His children. We cannot achieve this status of being perfect sacrifices all by ourselves.
This status can only happen when we let God work in us and through us as He perfects each of us. As he works in us and
through us and we are submitted to Him, we will be His instruments to help others grow in Him and come to know Him. We
are His instruments to help others become “… a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God,…” which is our reasonable service.
Genesis 50:20   (Part1) Romans 11:14   (Part1) Romans 1-11   (Part3)
Romans 11:11   (Part1) Daniel 3:14-18  (Part2)